Tag: beryllium

6 Common Uses of Beryllium


6 Common Uses of Beryllium Beryllium is a rare light metal with many excellent properties such as low density, high melting point, large elastic modulus, large tensile strength, excellent thermal performance, good dimensional stability, small neutron absorption cross-section, good X-ray transmission, etc. With the gradual deepening of research on beryllium in various countries, the scope […]

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5 Common Uses of Beryllium Copper Alloys

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5 Common Uses of Beryllium Copper Alloys A series of beryllium copper alloys can be formed by dissolving about 2% of beryllium in copper. Beryllium copper alloy is the “king of elasticity” in copper alloy and its strength is about twice that of other copper alloys. At the same time, beryllium copper alloy has high thermal conductivity and […]

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Beryllium Metal Properties & Reasons Why It Can Be Applied For Missile

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Why Can Beryllium Metal Be Applied For Missile? Beryllium metal is a material with a relatively special performance, some properties of which are irreplaceable by any other metal materials, especially nuclear properties and physical properties. Beryllium is mainly concentrated in the nuclear industry, the application scope of the weapon system, aerospace industry, X-ray instruments, electronic information […]

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