NK4209 Nickel-Zirconium Master Alloy (Ni-Zr Alloy)

Catalog No. NK4209
Material Ni, Zr
Appearance Gray solid
Content Mn 50%/70%


Nickel-Zirconium Master AlloyNickel Zirconium Master Alloy Description

Nickel Zirconium Master Alloy is part of a series of sophisticated alloys developed specifically for the iron, stainless steel, special steel, and superalloy industries. It is used to improve the creep strength and ductility of nickel-based superalloys.


Nickel Zirconium Master Alloy Applications

Nickel Zirconium Master Alloy is used to improve the creep strength and ductility of nickel-based superalloys.

Nickel Zirconium Master Alloy Packaging

Our Nickel Zirconium Master Alloy is carefully handled during storage and transportation to preserve the quality of our product in its original condition.

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